Power of Attorney (4 of 4) Short Story Romance

Reading Time: 6 minutes

A few minutes later, after simple vows, Allyssa wore a sparkling sapphire and diamond ring on her left hand and bent over to kiss her husband as the police barged into the room.

“Allyssa Reid? You are under arrest for the kidnapping of Calvin Forte.”

Calvin cleared his throat. “Since I am Calvin Forte and Allyssa Reid is now Mrs. Allyssa Forte, I’m wondering on what grounds you base your warrant.”

The officer looked around the room and the pastor showed him the marriage license. “I don’t know what is going on here but I have my orders. If you would come with me Miss Reid.”

“That would be Mrs. Forte. One moment, please. I would like to give my husband a kiss before I go.”

Calvin wrapped his arm around her and kissed her. He whispered in her ear. “I love you, Ally. Trust me. We’ll get you out. These charges are preposterous.”

Allyssa went to stand by the officer who read her her rights and slapped handcuffs on her. Cal watched, helpless, as she winced. His wife had gone through much to protect him. Now it would be his turn. He looked at Drew. “Get to it. I want my wife back.”

The room emptied and Calvin was alone.

It was now his turn to shed tears as he prayed. God, please bring her back to me.

* * *

Allyssa walked the hallway surrounded by police. They sure sent an army. Did they really think was that dangerous?

She was married now. Some wedding day. She had signed up for none of this. If only she hadn’t loved Cal. She could have worked and rarely visited. His family would have still caused her problems and she would have lost her job and home.

Then it hit her. She wasn’t homeless anymore. She had never even visited Cal’s home. She had refused to even have him enter hers to avoid any appearance of evil and the temptation he provided. Kisses she had allowed. And holding hands. But that was it. She wanted to go to her marriage bed pure.

Well, she was married and pure and would spend a night on a cot in jail if Cal’s attorney couldn’t get her out.

Flashbulbs went off, blinding her, as she was dragged out of the squad car and into the station. Cal’s mother and father were there to point fingers. They yelled and with squinted eyes and red faces, tossed insults at her. Allyssa walked in a fog. The sounds were muffled and images around her distorted. Darkness descended.

When she opened her eyes she was on the ground and the world tilted. She couldn’t hold back the empty contents of her stomach and retched all over the polished boots of the officer closest to her. He yelled and kicked her. She was dragged back to her feet and her face roughly wiped off. She thought they took her picture. She was fingerprinted and thrown into a cell where she collapsed onto the cot and massaged her sore wrists.

* * *

Cal answered the phone. “Hey, Drew. What’s the news?”

“She passed out and threw up. They won’t let a doctor in to see her. Bail hasn’t been set yet.”

“Is she allowed visitors?”

“Not at this time. As her attorney though, I will try to get in. You should also know you parents were here and the press. It was ugly, Cal.”

“I need to get there.”

“What do you think you could do?”

“I don’t know. Has a judge been assigned the case?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Then we will take our battle to the press. I’ll be there soon.”

* * *

Calvin was in a wheelchair and promised to be back in a few hours as the doctor begrudgingly gave him leave to visit his wife in jail. The bodyguards flanked him and when they arrived at the justice department the media were still present. Moby pushed the wheelchair and the camera’s flashed as one by one microphones were thrust in his face. He asked Moby to turn him to face the crowd and asked for help to stand. Leaning on his bodyguard he faced the media.

“My wife has been falsely accused and arrested on trumped up charges by my family. She has kept guard and cared for me after a traumatic accident. She is ill and denied care right now. Please pray that we can resolve this quickly and justice may be done against the people who have instigated this crime.”

Shouts and flashes went off but Calvin resumed his seat and Moby pushed him into the police station.

His parents were there as was Drew. He motioned his friend over while the bodyguards kept his family at bay.

“Any chance we can sue them for slander?”

“I’ll start the paperwork. What do you want to happen now?”

“I want to see my wife.”

Drew smiled and whispered in Cal’s ear. “Maybe you should say that really loud.”

Cal nodded as his attorney stepped back. “I demand to see my wife. She has been arrested on the basis of lies and deceit.”

Cal’s mother was being held back by one of his guards. “Cal! Where have you been? You don’t have a wife.”

“Mrs. Allyssa Forte is most definitely my wife and I want to see her. I hear she has been treated ill.”

A deputy came forward and ushered Cal and his attorney to a separate room.

“Mr. Forte. I believe there has been some misunderstanding. Your wife was arrested on charges of kidnapping and extortion.”

“Really? The reality is I kidnapped and extorted her. I demand she be released and if you must arrest anyone, it should be me.”

“Explain yourself, sir.”

“I was in an accident and she was my power of attorney. To provide care for me when I was unable to. She lost her job and her home. She never took a dime of my money when she had the chance. She did everything and more that I asked her to do. She is blameless in this farce. I demand to see a judge on this immediately.”

The meeting with the judge was private between the judge, District Attorney, Cal and Drew. An ambulance was called retrieve the ailing Allyssa. A cease and desist letter was delivered to Cal’s parents by Drew as Cal slipped out the back with his bride to return to the hospital.

* * *

Alyssa awoke in a bed with monitors attached and a pounding head. She groaned.

“Ah, my bride returns to me.” Cal whispered.

Alyssa turned her head and the thud, thud, thud of blood pulsing in her ears momentarily intensified. She blinked at the handsome man next to her. “What happened?”

“We married. You were arrested. You grew ill and I came to rescue you.”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Beyond an apparent migraine, dehydration and exhaustion? Nothing. You are beautiful and I look forward to taking my bride home with me.”

Allyssa smiled. “How did I get someone so good looking and who always helps me see the bright side of things even when I am so hopeless.”

“You are not hopeless, Ally, you are tenacious, courageous and sacrificial in your love and faith. Someday maybe my parents will recognize that.”

Ally groaned, “Your parents hate me.”

“Right now I think they hate me more. I sued them for slander.”

“Lovely. That will make the holidays so much fun.” Allyssa blinked. “Could you close the blinds, the light hurts my eyes.”

Someone else moved to accommodate her.

“Thanks, Moby.” Cal said as he traced a heart with his thumb on the back of her hand.

“I have nothing, Calvin. I lost it all.”

“You have everything. My name, my love, my home, my riches and my undying gratitude. I need to warn you too, you have become a news item. The villain turned heroine. You have lost your anonymity.”

“I didn’t really expect I could keep that given all that happened.”

“It won’t be too bad after the initial rush wears off with the public.”

“Are you such hot stuff that it matters to others so much?”

“No. It only matters that you love me.”

“So kiss me already and let me sleep.”

“Will do.” He reached over the side of the bed, balancing on one good leg, and kissed her.

Ally had sweet dreams the rest of the night.

  * * *

Cal smiled at his bride as they entered the limo after being discharged from the hospital. They would finally go home as husband and wife. He could hardly wait. Drew slipped into the back and took the seat facing them. Cal tilted his head and frowned. Seriously? Didn’t his friend realize Cal just wanted to be alone with his wife?

“I have news.”

Cal sighed and Ally gave him a grin and squeezed his hand. “Spill it.”

“Your parents, now understanding you had an accident, are seeking to declare you incompetent.”

Cal laughed. “Let them try. They don’t know who my power of attorney is, do they?”

Drew shook his head.

Ally leaned her head on his shoulder. “The doctor already signed papers declaring your competency and copies are in my bag. I have it documented by three professionals: your doctor, the psychiatrist and the neurologist.”

Drew raised an eyebrow. “You anticipated this?”

She shook her head. “I thought they would try to annul the marriage stating he wasn’t competent to make that choice, not that they would try to take over his company.”

Cal wrapped his arm around her and drew her closer. “I think I married a wise woman.” He planted a kiss on her lips and was lost in the moment until he heard a throat clear. He had totally forgotten his friend was there. He settled back and glanced at Drew who winked at him.

“I think you chose your wife well, Cal.” The car stopped, dropping Drew off and continued on to Cal’s condo.

Allyssa turned to him and placing her soft hands on either side of his face she whispered, “At last, we are alone.” She kissed him and Calvin once again thanked God for not only bringing her into his life but that his power of attorney was also now his beloved bride. Because of her, he had the rest of his life to show her how grateful he was.

The end  . . . thanks for reading! 

One thought on “Power of Attorney (4 of 4) Short Story Romance

  1. I just read through all four parts of Power of Attorney, Susan. How you can spin a story with engaging characters so quickly is beyond my understanding. And in spite of the angst of its plot, I also found myself occasionally smiling or laughing out loud. Thanks for the fun read, Susan.

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