Spatzle Speaks: Dumpster Dicing

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Julie Cosgrove has written some compelling romantic suspense novels about human trafficking (Hush in the Storm, Legitimate Lies, Freed to Forgive) as well as some delightful novellas (Greener Grass, Navy Blues), but she breaks new ground in her writing with a new series called Bunco Biddies Mysteries.

bunco biddies


The core of the group consists of Betsy Ann who used to be a news reporter. Janie is the widow of a police detective and her daughter is married to the current detective of their fair town. Ethyl adores cozy mysteries and catalogues all the who-dunnits she has read and how the murders were committed.

dumpster dicingThe first in this series is Dumpster Dicing and it is a delightful cozy mystery. SO much so my mom snuggled up to me while she read it.

While on their morning walk they spy a dead body parts dropping out of a dumpster being picked up by the garbage truck. Apparently it was a new grouchy neighbor to their community, Edwin Newman. Now they are determined to uncover the truth about just who murdered the poor man and why.  Although he was mean to a dog so that’s reason enough for me to have done it, but I’m a dog and am not capable of that kind of harm. Along the way they get into all kinds of trouble with someone trying to stop them, along with Janie’s son-in-law who, while appreciative of the help, really does care for his mother-in-law and wants her safe.

Dumpster Dicing is filled with colorful characters, sweet moments and a dash of humor as a group of older women in a retirement community seek to help out Janie’s son-in-law who is overworked and she beleives needs to spend more time with his family. I give this five bones. I don’t do stars. I’m a dog.

Spatzle Baganz, book reviewer for the silygoos blog because that's how we roll.

Spatzle Baganz, book reviewer for the silygoos blog because that’s how we roll.


5 bones for blog

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